Last Updated | May 2022

Dental Clinic Center | March 2020

Consisting of three main buildings clustered between the preserved trees, the architectural mass of Dental Center interacts with the inevitable nature giving the user the feel of a safe haven. The design approach aims to minimize the visual and environmental impact by decomposing each building into a cluster of pavilions nestled in the eucalyptus forest. The different buildings are located on the site depending on their proximity to the road.

The project intersects between open and private spaces. The difference in levels ensures privacy for the bedrooms in building three; and the open spaces such as courtyards and patios between the buildings make space for communication, interaction, and collaboration. This system of ununiformed shapes allows the fluidity of the space; it also provides common spaces with outdoor activities for all users. These spaces are interconnected and connected to the different levels through a series of ramps for handicaps and pedestrian pathways, integrating a succession of open spaces with public facilities for everyone.

Nestled among the eucalyptus forest, this dental clinic is a calming oasis for patients. Designed in harmony with the local aesthetic and surroundings, the clinic has a minimal environmental impact with sustainable features for construction, ventilation, waste water and lighting. 

Design Disctrict | May 2020

This schematic design proposal was submitted for a multi-purpose creative event space. It integrates diverse structures and functionality to allow for a variety of uses and imagines the natural flow of visitors attending exhibitions, design weeks, concept stores and more.